The High Tech Manufacturing & Precision Engineering Zone
High Tech Manufacturing & Precision Engineering – thus the development of new and improved high precision processes and machines, has gained much greater prominence in the last decade. Many advanced technology products depend entirely on one or more components being manufactured to tolerances or dimensions in the micro-or even nanotechnology range. This gathering of senior management delegates from the high tech manufacturing and precision engineering sector offers an opportunity for the sector to gather and keep up to date with the latest innovations, best practice and new technology solutions. The High-tech manufacturing is charged with creating the technology that the world has come to depend on. It is rapidly growing and changing, as innovation and new technology drives this industry more than others in the manufacturing sector. It is also the industry that is probably most dependent on global relationships in order to keep the cost of goods low enough for customers to manage. Understanding this industry is important for the consumers of the high-tech and precision engineered products. The High Tech Manufacturing & Precision Engineering Zone will have a dedicated stage catering to this sector, with presentations by industry experts and Universities.
See below for details, Bio’s and Presentation information related to each speaker who will delivering a presentation. If you would like to make a submission please contact